Ethics Policy
Ethics Policy
The Organisation takes its relationship with all our customers very seriously; therefore it is company’s policy to conduct all businesses in a very ethical manner. All personnel should be guided by the following:
Strict observation of all local and International laws.
Choose course of highest integrity.
Full and accurate records and reporting.
PacMarine will not support unscrupulous behavior.
Open and honest communications with customers and management.
Honest bookkeeping, proposals, and evaluations.
PacMarine does not encourage the practice of giving or receiving gifts even of nominal value.
All information received from the Customer shall be kept confidential and the customer’s proprietary rights shall be protected.
PacMarine will provide full cooperation to any Government body or customer investigating unscrupulous behavior.
PacMarine carefully assesses the services with the objective that neither PacMarine nor its customers are exposed to reputational risk.
Approved: Danish Sultan Managing Director.
Date: 01/August/2020